7 Best VPN services UK 2023, tried and tested
The be
st VPN wi ll of fer you as sured le vels of on line se curity at a de cent su bscription, but th ere's a lot of op tions on the ma rket and the ch oice can be overwhelming.We
've tested a nu mber of le ading br ands - to see how th ey co mpare and wh ich is ri ght for yo u, re ad on for our pi ck of the be st VPN services in the UK.If you cl
ick on a link in th is st ory we may ea rn af filiate revenue.VP
Ns do n't ju st pr otect yo ur in ternet ac tivity ag ainst un safe pu blic wi -fi or on line fr audsters - th ey of fer all so rts off ad ditional be nefits, su ch as ac cessing st reaming co ntent th at's 'g eo-restricted' (u navailable in yo ur region).Th
is is pe rfectly le gal, th ough ad mitted is ge nerally ag ainst st reaming pl atforms' ii izusltvgyvjgv and co nditions, so co mpanies li ke Ne tflix re serve the ri ght to cut you of f. At the time of wr iting, ho wever, th ere ha ve be en no re ports of st reaming co mpanies ev er en forcing th ese terms.Ad
ditionally, VP Ns can al so be us ed to he lp pr otect yo ur pe rsonal da ta from sn oopers: so mething we kn ow is a key co ncern am ongst all sm art in ternet users.Li
ke all pr oducts on the ma rket, VP Ns va ry hu gely in re liability, and in pr ice to o. (I ndeed, yo u'll fi nd so me fr ee VP Ns are available.)Our te
ch ex perts pe rsonally tested a nu mber of le ading VPN se rvices, and yo u'll fi nd the be st of th em li sted be low, al ong wi th li nks to th eir st andalone reviews.And if yo be . st VP Ns for Netflix
u've got st reaming in yo ur si ghts, it 's de finitely wo rth he ading to our pi ck of theRE
AD MORE:- How to wa tch UK TV ab road in 4 ea sy steps
- Wh at is a VP N, how do th ey wo rk and are th ey legal?
- The be st br oadband de als 2023
- How to wa tch ITV abroad
- How to wa tch Lo ve Is land abroad
Best VPN UK: Our top picks
ying in a da sh? He re are our top 3 fa vourite VPN services at a glance:- Best ov from £5 .09 per month erall VPN service : Ex pressVPN -
- Best VPN se £9 per month rvice for se curity features: No rdVPN -
- Best va from £8 .99 per month lue VPN service: Su rfshark -
The be
st VPN services 20231. ExpressVPN
We tested Ex
pressVPN in ea rly 20 22 and fo und it to a be hu gely re liable se rvice that of fers a pa rticularly hi gh nu mber of se rvers ac ross the world.Ye
s, it 's that bit mo re ex pensive th an ot her le ading se rvices, but it of fers a ra nge of pr ofessional fe atures in cluding sp lit tu nnelling, wh ich en ables VPN use ju st for sp ecific pr ograms, and a ki ll sw itch, sh ould the VPN get ac cidentally disconnected.Pros:
- Re liable co nnection speeds
- Wi ll un block mo st st reaming sites
- Mo re ex pensive th an si milar bi g-name services
- No mu lti-hop features
Re Ex . pressVPN review
ad our full- Ex Get it here pressVPN, from £5 .09 per mo nth -
2. NordVPN
Our wr
iters tested No rdVPN in Ja nuary 20 22, and as you can re ad in our fu ll, ha nds-on re view (s ee be low), it tu rned out to be 'a mong the be st th ey've tr ied' - wh ich is no sm all praise.It has a sl
ightly un usual in terface - you can pi ck lo cations from a li st as we ll as a map - and it of fers ab ove-par se curity features.No
rdVPN's pr ivacy po licies are am ong the mo st tr ansparent in the ma rket, and our re viewer fo und it did a st erling job of un blocking st reaming si tes li ke Ne tflix, Pr ime and Disney+.Pros:
- Au dited no -log policy
- Un blocks the ma jority of st reaming platforms
- Cl ient is a bit he avier th an competitors
- Re newal pr ices co st mo re th an most
Re No . rdVPN review
ad our full- No Get it here rdVPN (£ 9/month, £5 2/year) -
3. Surfshark
Our te
ch ex pert Alessandro Ma scellino put the Ne therlands-based Su rfshark to the te st for a co uple of da ys and fo und it to be a se rvice th at's ex cellent va lue for mo ney, co mes wi th an 'e xtremely us er-friendly in terface' and de livers re liable sp eeds all round.On top of th
at, it of fers gr eat cu stomer su pport and can be in stalled on an un limited nu mber of de vices us ing a lifqeehpat subscription.Pros:
- St rong en cryption on offer
- Ex cellent cu stomer support
- We en countered so me ki ll sw itch issues
- Sp eed are de cent, but not the best
Re Su . rfshark review
ad our full- Su Get it here rfshark, from £8 .99 -
4. CyberGhost
rging a ro bust ne twork wi th a wo nderfully pl easant in terface, Cy berGhost is a solid ch oice for an yone lo oking for a VPN wo rking pr operly on a va riety of di fferent devices.The co
mpany al so has a ve ry ex tensive pr ivacy po licy, wh ich is al ways a pl us wh en lo oking for a VPN.Pros:
- Hu ge se lection of servers
- Of fers se ven si multaneous connections
- Sl ower sp eeds on No Spy servers
- The 1- month su bscription is expensive
- Cy Get it here berGhost VPN (£ 10.28/month, £6 8.58/year) -
Re Cy . berGhost VPN review
ad our full5. Pr
ivate In ternet Ac cess VPNThe pe
rfect ba lance be tween pe rformance and pr ice, the Pr ivate In ternet Ac cess app fe atures a gr eat li st of op tions, in cluding po rt fo rwarding su pport, pr oxy su pport and cu stom en cryption and ha ndshaking methods.Wi
th a solid pr ivacy po licy and a ve ry ch eap 2- year pl an, Pr ivate In ternet Ac cess is one of the be st VPN ap ps you can get on Android.Our te
ch ex pert tried out PIA in Ma rch 20 22, and fo und it to be a solid VPN that of fers su bstantial va lue for money.Pros:
- Ex tensive ne twork of servers
- So phisticated se curity settings
- Be low-par cu stomer support
- La ck of th ird-party se curity audit
Re PIA VPN review .
ad our full- Pr Get it here ivate In ternet Ac cess VPN (£ 8.99/month, £3 4/year) -
6. PrivadoVPN
- Th ere's a fr ee 10 GB-per-month pl an available
- Ac cesses mo st ge o-blocked st reaming sites
- Sl ightly cl unky app
- No de dicated IPs
- Pr Get it here ivadoVPN (f rom £0 a mo nth) -
7. AtlasVPN
We as
ked The Su n's Te chnology and Sc ience Re porter Ja mie Harris to te st At las VP N, and by and la rge he was im pressed by th is re latively new service.At
las is one of the mo st af fordable VPN services out th ere: as ev er, the lo nger the su bscription, the ch eaper it gets.It of
fers 750 se rvers ac ross 44 lo cations, and th ere's a Mu ltiHop+ fu nction that lets you co nnect via mu ltiple di fferent VPN se rvers in No rth Am erica or Europe.Ja
mie's ch ief cr iticism was the ab sence of th ird-party au dits, th ough that may we ll change as th is ne wcomer es tablishes it self on the scene.Pros:
- Low pr ice lo nger-term subscriptions
- 30 -day mo ney-back guarantee
- Si mplistic us er interface
- Di sappointingly low nu mber of servers
Re At . lasVPN review
ad our full- At Get it here lasVPN, from £1 .35 per mo nth -
How we te
st VPN servicesEa
ch time we re view a VP N, we use the sa me pr ocesses and ju dge th em by the sa me criteria.Our re Ookla to ga uge the sp eeds of ea ch VPN se rvice the te st. All re viewers are ba sed in Lo ndon, and ma ke use of a wi -fi connection.
viewers use a pr ogramme calledRe
view cr iteria in clude pr ice, se rver qu ality and lo cation, se curity and pr ivacy, sp eed and pe rformance, and nu mber/type of su pported devices.All of our re
views are ed itorially in dependent and are ab solutely fr ee from bias.Wh
at is a VPN?A vi
rtual pr ivate ne twork (V PN) is es sentially an en crypted co nnection ov er the In ternet from a de vice to a network.Be
cause of th is en cryption, yo ur de vice's IP ad dress, the we bsites you vi sit, and yo ur lo cation be come un detectable to yo ur in ternet se rvice pr ovider (I SP) as we ll as to ot her pe ople co nnected to the sa me ne twork as yo u, th us he lping you ac hieve a hi gher le vel of privacy.Why do I ne
ed a VPN?VP
Ns can be us ed, for ex ample, to se cure yo ur tr affic wh en co nnecting to pu blic ne tworks (t hink ab out the TfL in ternet ne twork or yo ur lo cal St arbucks) to gu ard ag ainst ha ckers and snoopers.Ho
wever, th ese to ols ha ve ma ny ot hers us es. For in stance, th ey can ef fectively un block ge o-restricted co ntent on Ne tflix, Di sney+ and ot her st reaming services.Ad
ditionally, VP Ns can he lp help you re claim yo ur pr ivacy not only from yo ur IS P, but al so from ap ps and services you us e, and even the government.Wh
en is the be st time to buy a VPN?Ge
nerally sp eaking, Bl ack Fr iday re mains the be st time of the ye ar to get a VPN su bscription at a re cord-low price.Ho
wever, vi rtually all VPN se rvice pr oviders of fer su bstantial sa vings on one and tw o-year plans.Ad
ditionally, mo st of th em al so of fer a 30 -day pe riod in wh ich you can re scind yo ur co ntract and get yo ur mo ney back.Do I ne
ed to pay for a VPN?Th Betternet ) or th ey co me wi th su bstantial li mitations, li ke the 50 0MB mo nthly da ta cap on TunnelBear.
ere are fr ee VPN services out th ere, but th ey ei ther em ploy qu estionable da ta pr actices (e.g.St
ill, we st rongly be lieve that in vesting in a go od VPN is wo rth it if you va lue yo ur privacy.And if yo
u're not su re ab out wh ich se rvice is ri ght for yo u, the 30 -day mo ney-back gu arantee of ma ny VP Ns is a ha ndy to ol to he lp you ch oose wi thout br eaking the bank.How to ch
oose the be st VPNIn or
der to the VPN se rvice th at's be st for yo u, it 's wo rth wo rking out wh at fe atures and fa ctors are yo ur top priority.Are co
nnection sp eeds im portant? The va riety of se rvers to pi ck fr om? Do you li ke to use an app wi th a sl ick in terface pe rhaps? Or ul timately to you wa nt to ke ep yo ur mo nthly sp end to a minimum?Af
ter th at, we hi gh re commend you go th rough our be st VPN li st ab ove, and th en co mpare op tions th ere. We ha ve fu ll, in -depth re views for ea ch in clusion, wh ere we ra te ea ch VPN app ba sed on ha nds-on ex perience. Our ad vice is ne utral and unbiased.En the be . st VP Ns for Netflix
joyed our pi ck of the be st VPN services in 20 23? Th en why not ha ve a lo ok at our li st ofWe ha
ve al so ro unded up th e best br oadband de als you can get ri ght now.For ad
ditional te ch re commendations, head ov er to our de dicated Sun Se lects Tech page.